Camel Function

Run Through Six-hump Camel Function

We show the step by step process of running out method to compute all local minimizers of the Camel function,

\[f(x_1, x_2)= (4-2.1 x_1^2 + \frac{x_1^4}{3})x_1^2 + x_1x_2 + (-4 + 4x_2^2)x_2^2,\]

which is defined over the square \([-5,5]^2\).

We recommend running the notebook example in Examples/camel_2d.ipynb as a first example to get familiar with the package.

using Globtim

# Domain
const n, a, b = 2, 5, 1
const scale_factor = a / b

# Sampling parameters
const delta, alpha = .9 , 8 / 10

# Define the tolerance for the L2-norm
d = 6 # Initial Degree
const tol_l2 = 3e-4

# Set the objective function
f = camel

We construct the discrete least squares polynomial (DLSP) approximant. We iterate increasing the decree of the approximant until the discrete \(L^2\)-norm is smaller than the threshold tol_l2.

while true # Potential infinite loop
    global poly_approx = MainGenerate(f, 2, d, delta, alpha, scale_factor, 0.2) # computes the approximant in Chebyshev basis
    if poly_approx.nrm < tol_l2
        println("attained the desired L2-norm: ", poly_approx.nrm)
        println("current L2-norm: ", poly_approx.nrm)
        println("Number of samples: ", poly_approx.N)
        global d += 1

Once we have the coefficients of the polynomial approximant, we construct the polynomial system of partial derivatives using the DynamicalPolynomials environment, then we solve it using HomotopyContinuation in this first examples. Alternatively, one could use symbolic methods.

using DynamicPolynomials, HomotopyContinuation, ProgressLogging, DataFrames
ap = main_nd(n, d, poly_approx.coeffs)
PolynomialApproximant = sum(Float64.(ap) .* MonomialVector(x, 0:d)) # Convert coefficients to Float64 for homotopy continuation
grad = differentiate.(PolynomialApproximant, x)
sys = System(grad)
Real_sol_lstsq = HomotopyContinuation.solve(sys)
real_pts = HomotopyContinuation.real_solutions(Real_sol_lstsq; only_real=true, multiple_results=false)

Then we sort the critical points we found and retain only the ones that fall into the domain of definition and collect them into a dataframe structure.

condition(point) = -1 < point[1] < 1 && -1 < point[2] < 1
filtered_points = filter(condition, real_pts)
h_x = Float64[point[1] for point in filtered_points]
h_y = Float64[point[2] for point in filtered_points]
h_z = map(p -> f([p[1], p[2]]), zip(scale_factor * h_x, scale_factor * h_y))
df = DataFrame(x=scale_factor * h_x, y=scale_factor * h_y, z= h_z)

We obtain the following 15 critical points plotted in orange, 6 of them are local minimizers of f.

Six-hump Camel Function

What If There Is Noise ?

Let us assume a Gaussian noise affects the evaluation of the following CrossInTray function:

\[f(x, y) = \frac{-1}{1000} \left( \left\vert \sin(x) \sin(y) \exp \left( \left\vert 100 - \frac{\sqrt{x^2 + y^2}}{\pi} \right\vert \right) \right\vert + 1 \right)^{\frac{1}{10}}.\]

We define the noisy version of the CrossInTray objective function

using Distributions

function noisy_CrossInTray(xx::Vector{Float64}; mean::Float64=0.0, stddev::Float64=1.0)::Float64
    noise = rand(Normal(mean, stddev))
    return CrossInTray(xx) + noise

First, we re-iterate the procedure described above, we capture all local minima at degree $d=11$, with tolerance set to tol_l2=3e-2. We notice that we also find some critical points along the spikes of the function (the red cross of points at the level z=0). Those spikes are present in the function, but hard to detect by sampling points, one can see them as a set of measure \(0\) in \([-10, 10]^2\). Because of the symmetry of the function and of our sampling scheme, the approximant admits critical points exactly along these ridges and detects the spikes of the CrossInTray function.

We reset the starting degree and slightly relax the tolerance in the \(L^2\)-norm, which is not necessary in the current example.

d = 4
noisy_tol_l2 = 4e-2

We run the sae loop to construct an accurate approximant, the last input of MainGenerate, which is set to 0.5, is a relaxing factor on the number of samples we consider in the construction. Setting it to 1 makes the computations of the polynomial approx poly_approx consider more samples. This can make the calculations slower on more difficult examples, in exchange, we can attain the desired probabilistic guarantees on the accuracy of the approximant.

while true # Potential infinite loop
    global poly_approx_noisy = MainGenerate(f, 2, d, delta, alpha, scale_factor, 0.5)
    if poly_approx_noisy.nrm < noisy_tol_l2
        println("attained the desired L2-norm: ", poly_approx_noisy.nrm)
        println("current L2-norm: ", poly_approx_noisy.nrm)
        println("Number of samples: ", poly_approx_noisy.N)
        global d += 1

In red, we observe the critical points of the approximant in the noiseless case. In orange, we display the critical points of the approximant of the current example, constructed on the (noisy) blue cloud of points. By clicking on the labels in the plot below, turn on/off the display of that point-set in the plot.

Legend: Red - Noiseless Critical Points, Orange - Noisy Critical Points, Blue - Noisy Data Points

We display the critical points computed on the noisy data set over the exact surface