
Globtim is a Julia package for solving global optimization problems via polynomial approximations. It can be installed from the Julia REPL, simply by running the command

add Globtim

This global optimization method only requires access to evaluations of the objective function f.

We call this method global because we seek to compute all local minimizers of the objective function f, a real continuous function defined over some given rectangular domain in \(\mathbb{R}^n\).

Our method is carried out in three main steps:

  1. The input function f is sampled on a tensorized Chebyshev grid.
  2. A polynomial approximant is constructed via a discrete least squares.
  3. The polynomial system of Partial derivatives is solved with either a homotopy continuation method (numerical) or through an exact polynomial system solving (symbolic) method.

A comprehensive documentation for the package is actively worked on, for the time being, the following examples illustrate how the package can be used.


The following is the Deuflhard function, a standard example in Optimization:

\[f(x, y) = \left( e^{x^2 + y^2} - 3 \right)^2 + \left( x + y - \sin(3(x + y)) \right)^2.\]

It admits tow local maximizers and 6 local minimizers in the standard 2-cube.

Exact evaluations

In the exact evaluation model, we will prioritize a high accuracy of the discrete least squares approximant over the number of samples we choose to generate. The display of sample points and critical points can be turned on/off by clicking on them in the legend of the right top corner of the interactive plot.

Legend: Red - Critical Points of the polynomial approximant

Here the degree of the polynomial approximant is $12$ and the number of samples is.

Noisy Evaluations

We now affect the evaluations of f by a Gaussian random noise of standard deviation 5.
We can operate with a low tolerance and hope to get a very approximate location of the local minimizers of the function f.

Legend: Red - Critical Points of the exact polynomial approximant Orange - Critical Points of the noise perturbed polynomial approximant

Or we can move to a more precise setting which will lead to much more sample points generated, and a much more accurate estimate of the local minimizers of the objective function

Legend: Red - Critical Points of the exact polynomial approximant Orange - Critical Points of the noise perturbed polynomial approximant

Additional examples

We provide two more examples on well known objective functions, this time with the detailed associated Julia code.