Georgy Scholten


Office 26-00 328

7 Place Jussieu

75005 Paris, France

I am currently at the Center for Systems Biology Dresden, where I am a postdoctoral researcher part of the Harrington Group. Previously, I was a postdoc at Sorbonne Université, jointly in the Polsys team and at the Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions. I completed my PhD in Mathematics under the supervision of Dr. Cynthia Vinzant in May 2021.

My primary work involves studying mathematical structures that emerge from the study of dynamic and biological systems. A central motivation in my research is to combine symbolic and numerical methods in a best of both worlds approach, in order to enhance methods in optimization and statistical analysis which can be leveraged in various interdisciplinary settings.

Level sets of the Trefethen 3d function: $$ \begin{align} f(x, y, z) = e^{\sin(50x_1)} + \sin(60e^{x_2})\sin(60x_3) + \sin(70\sin(x_1))\cos(10x_3) \\ + \sin(\sin(80x_2)) - \sin(10(x_1 + x_3)) + \frac{x_1^2 + x_2^2 + x_3^2}{4} \end{align} $$